We are the Hollywood Food Coalition

Our vision is a city
where everyone has food, community, and support

How we fulfill our vision

Serving dinner on the street

Community Dinner

Subheading here

Mon-Fri Dinner
6:30PM – 8:00PM
at The Salvation Army Campus
5939 Hollywood Blvd
between Gower and Bronson.

Sat and Sun Dinner
6:30PM – 8:00PM
on the corner of Orange and Romaine
near Santa Monica Blvd and La Brea Ave.

Bryan P working exchange

Community Exchange

Food Rescue and Distribution Innovation.

Our Community Exchange is a free food concierge service aimed at providing small to medium-sized social service nonprofits the food they need, when they want it, so they can focus on their missions.

The Exchange is changing the food bank model. Our careful recipient intake and feedback process paired with our innovative food rescue data-tracking system, allows us to create a model that works better for all recipients.

two smiling people hugging

Community Wellness

Physical and mental health and social services

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Community Building

We provide services to ‘all comers’

By sharing food, knowledge, and resources, and through the construction of innovative collaborative structures, our aim is to increase the quality and quantity of service provision to people in need, on a city-wide basis.

We work with businesses, both large and small; churches, of all denominations; policymakers, tons of different social service agencies, a raft of other community groups, and thousands of donors.

How you can help be a part of it

Bryan Pauquette John Billingsley Sherry Bonanno


Subheading here

By sharing food, knowledge, and resources, and through the construction of innovative collaborative structures, our aim is to increase the quality and quantity of service provision to people in need, on a city-wide basis.

We work with businesses, both large and small; churches, of all denominations; policymakers, tons of different social service agencies, a raft of other community groups, and thousands of donors.


Subheading here

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Praesent tempus enim neque, efficitur auctor odio auctor non. Donec id orci eu mauris lacinia ornare. In quis augue sed lectus aliquam consequat sit amet sed neque. In vel nisi felis. Etiam interdum metus scelerisque arcu eleifend ullamcorper.


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Since 1987


Meals Served
Community Dinner


Pounds of food rescued
Community Exchange


People seen by UCLA mobile medical staff


Donors or Volunteers
Community Building

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